Dalai Láma üzenete

oporsnedtS9m7l0pe4Sbu4lti,0u776r53te a85 c20t1: .u1713eg1i1zm ·
If someone greets me with a nice smile, and expresses a genuinely friendly attitude, I appreciate it very much. Though I might not know that person, or even understand their language, my heart is instantly gladdened. On the other hand, if kindness is lacking, even in someone from my own cul...
2022-09-10 09:09:17
Az egész civilizált világ adósa Magyarországnak az ő múltjáé
... megalkotója:

,,A magyar nyelv logikus és tökéletes felépítése felülmúl minden más nyelvet."

,,The Hungarian language is logical, has a perfect structure and surpasses every other language."

,,Die ungarische Sprache ist logisch, vollkommen, ihr Aufbau übertrifft jede andere Sprache."

2022-05-03 21:15:36
A legszebb angol idézetek - életről, szerelemről,barátságról
... remember that even the devil was an angel in the beginning.
"Mielőtt házasságot kötnél, jusson eszedbe, hogy kezdetben az ördög is angyal volt."

Being happy doesn't mean everything is totally perfect
"Boldognak lenni nem azt jelenti hogy minden tökéletes..."

"Be yourself" is about the worst advice you can give to people.
"Talán a le...
2021-03-23 20:00:28
Heavy Metal
... when Gra Scoresby's band met Montalo playing guitar in his own band formed with his school friends. The two teamed up and formed Witchfynde, the name was suggested by Montalo because he was very interested in occultism and he wanted to use the band as a way to "fynde" like minded people.

Compilation Appearances

- "Belfast" on The Friday Rock Show (BBC Records...
2019-07-19 13:37:18
... >target="_blank"
PRIME TIME GRIME "MIx #1" 5/18/10 Grime bassline garage 4x4 WV7nhQI" >target="_blank"
UK Garage Mix 2018 | Very Best 2 step Garage Classics & Anthems 4U8k7UY" >target="_blank"
2019-03-12 23:07:41
Szerencse és szerencsétlenség?
... rest of its life. Soon after, neighbors from the nearby village visited, offering their condolences and said, "What a shame. Now your only horse is gone. How unfortunate you are!. You must be very sad. How will you live, work the land, and prosper?"

The farmer replied: "Who knows? We shall see."

Two days later the old horse came back now rejuvenated after me...
2019-03-04 18:46:47
Így mondja az angol
... passes, it waits for nobody

Az idő pénz
Time is money

Aki időt nyer, életet nyer
He who gains time, gains life

Mindennek megvan a maga ideje
Everything has its time

Mondj, szólj igazat, betörik a fejed
Tell the truth and your head will be broken

Borban az igazság
In wine there is truth

Az ig...
2016-08-25 16:36:00
Támogassuk Gorán ügyét külföldön is!
... Telugu languages too)
- Can hand-write with capital letters in Hungarian, English and Russian, and has started to practice non-capital letters too.
- He knows the whole world map, very detailed, he loves it. He can draw any map by heart - marking countries, states, cities - even to scale!
- He knows every single country flag - you cannot beat him in a flag-quiz!...
2016-06-22 23:30:10
Could you write an english answer to this question ?
As far as I'm concerned I like english very much though I think the most beautiful -and one of the most diffucult languages - is the hungarian. Every language has its own beauty. It is right that the translators have diffucult job to bring back the real meaning of the original works. We are lucky because we have Arany János, Göncz Árpád, Réz Ádám... and the others.
My answer t...
2015-04-18 15:46:26
Ez történt ma
... This is where she achieved real stardom. They were first paired in 1933's "Flying Down to Rio" (1933) and later in 1935's "Roberta" (1935) and "Top Hat" (1935). Ginger also appeared in some very good comedies such as "Bachelor Mother" (1939) and "5th Ave Girl" (1939) both in 1939. Also that year she appeared with Astaire in "The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle" (1939). The film m...
2014-01-31 20:39:52
1 2 3 ..13 14 .19 20 .25 26 27 
Címkék: Dalai Láma, Heavy Metal, Támogassuk Gorán, Though, Compilation Appearances, Friday Rock Show, PRIME TIME GRIME, Garage Mix, Very Best, Garage Classics, BASSLINE MIX, Arany János, Göncz Árpád, Flying Down, Bachelor Mother, Irene Castle, egész civilizált, legszebb angol, nice smile, genuinely friendly, magyar nyelv, perfect structure, maga ideje, szerencsétlenség, magyarországnak, condolences, translators, szerelemről, appearances, barátságról, compilation, unfortunate, megalkotója, rejuvenated, támogassuk, oporsnedts, házasságot, felépítése, interested, everything, understand, übertrifft, civilizált, appreciate, witchfynde, vollkommen, ungarische, szerencse, külföldön, instantly, expresses, tökéletes, genuinely, hungarian, boldognak, languages, diffucult, gladdened, neighbors, mindennek, kezdetben, structure, countries, beautiful, suggested, beginning, surpasses, concerned, occultism, original, language,
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